부모가 2% 변하면 아이는 98% 변한다
나의 작은 변화에 의해서도 인생이 바껴버리는 아이 ㅠㅠ 아직은 초보맘인 나에게는 겁나는 말이다 하지만 언제까지나 겁나있지는 않을 것이라고 마음 먹을것이다
A&W에서 햄버거 주문하기전 십분 정도 기다리는 말에 주차장에 차를 세워 차안에서 나의 생각들을 정리하는 시간 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
밤이고 하다보니 뭔가 생각이 많아 지는 시간이네요 ㅎㅎㅎ
하지만 마음을 야부지게 침착하게 다듬고 싶지만 자꾸 울컥울컥해진다 ㅠㅠ
오늘 후를 데이케어에서 데려오는데 팔에 물린 자국이 여러군데
그리고 최절정은 피멍이 들은 자국
진짜 어떻게 해야하지??
데이케어를 옮기는것 빼고 어떻게 해야하지??
아시는 분 있으시면 조언 좀 부탁드릴께요
그리고 Daycare에서 온 대답
With regards to Hoo and his bite marks/scratches, it is my understanding that the teacher's have discussed with you their thoughts regarding why this has occurred.
Hoo's bite marks and scratches are unfortunately the result of his physical behavior (which the teachers have begun to document). On several occasions, I myself have witnessed Hoo scratch, push, bite and rip another child's hair out. These actions made by Hoo are always going to result in a child defending themselves. When these children are being hurt by Hoo, they are trying to protect themselves in whatever way they can (push back, scratch, bite) to get Hoo to stop hurting them.
Hoo's bite marks and scratches are unfortunately the result of his physical behavior (which the teachers have begun to document). On several occasions, I myself have witnessed Hoo scratch, push, bite and rip another child's hair out. These actions made by Hoo are always going to result in a child defending themselves. When these children are being hurt by Hoo, they are trying to protect themselves in whatever way they can (push back, scratch, bite) to get Hoo to stop hurting them.
Thankfully, there are three teachers in the classroom and they have been able to intervene on several occasions, when Hoo has hurt one of his friends. That being said, there have been instances where the teachers are attending to other children in the classroom (diaper changing, talking to parents, playing at another end of the classroom. etc) and they have not been able to stop Hoo from hurting his classmates, or stopping his classmates from physically reacting to being hurt.
To ensure that Hoo's bites/scratches do not continue, we have to ensure his physical behavior to his classmates does not continue. Although we have circle time and stories that talk about not hurting friends, and teach with "hand over hand" methods how to be gentle, we can only do so much whilst he is in our care. There must be consistency in not accepting physical behavior at home, or he will continue to hurt his friends which will result in him getting hurt.
We will definitely keep on top of this issue and will check with the three teachers from time to time for any updates. As you know, biting is a toddler trait and the teachers deal with this on a daily basis and as best as they could. They are aware of who the biters are, and as much as possible, they shadow the biters and anticipate the behavior before it can happen.
Hope I have answered your questions. Please do not hesitate to email me if you have any questions.
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