
20~24개월 아기랑 놀기

이것과저것 2015. 12. 16. 07:13

20 to 24 months

Let's dance!
Play favorite songs that could inspire your child to do specific actions – like something with a loud, strong beat so he can stamp like an elephant, or something quiet so he can pretend he's tiptoeing past a sleeping lion. Marching to music is also great fun and easy enough for most toddlers to manage. These games stretch his imagination and develop his sense of rhythm, which helps language development.

What can you hear?
Take a big towel or blanket out into the garden and lie down on it together. Ask your toddler to close her eyes and listen carefully.

After a minute or so, ask her what she could hear and tell her what you heard – the wind in the trees, a bird singing, a car driving past. This is a great game for helping your toddler develop listening and descriptive skills.

Catch me if you can
Toddlers love to be chased. The object of this game is for your child to be caught, especially if he knows he gets a big bear hug and tickles every time you manage to catch him.

For variety, pretend to be different types of animals, like a roaring lion or a scuttling mouse. A great game for building up your toddler's stamina – and yours!